The Perfect Human Score
Every 24-hours the PHA calculates a competitive Perfect Human Score, which allows a user to track his or her progress toward perfection, i.e., a greater (or lesser) quantity than yesterday. More importantly, the PHA allows users to compare their perfection to that of friends and family as well as to a greater community of users. Through this process of scoring, the application metaphorically turned the user into a set of dynamic data, making it easy for users to see just how perfect they are, and even easier for them to gauge how perfect they can become.
The Anatomy of Perfection
What makes this application particularly interesting, is that it redefines the activities or behaviors that constitute perfection — an anatomy of perfection, of a sorts. User interactions were divided into six distinct “Categories of Perfect Functioning,” with each category representing a different grouping of online actions made by the user throughout a 24-hour period. The Content Blackout team jokingly named these categories after the offline goals of their collegiate friends. For example, “Communication Skills: Texting is the New Hugging” was an aggregate of all the minutes users spent talking on their phone, as well as any text or voice mail they sent using their phone. The process reflected the offline importance of the networking and interviewing skills they needed to hone as recent college alums. “Looks: It’s What’s on the Outside that Counts” measured the number of photos a user was posted in online, referencing the misleading beauty that a flattering angle and good lighting can produce.
The Six Categories of Perfect Functioning
We used to develop friendships in the high school cafeteria or frequenting our local bar for after-work drinks. Today, we hang out online.
scoring +1 point awarded for every action performed on applicable social media accounts.
It’s 9 am. Do you know where you are supposed to be? Managing a packed schedule is a true sign of perfection.
scoring +1 point for every event added to calendar. User is not rewarded for attendance, just for scheduling.
It’s what’s on the outside that counts. But more important than looking good is sharing those good looks with others.
scoring for all activity related to photo and video media via applicable social media platforms, +1 point.
Cash is a thing of the past. We have all seen rappers make it rain in the club, but have you seen the investment banker flash his bank statement on his touchscreen?
scoring for any action made though online banking apps, +1 point.
Communication Skills
Texting in the new hugging. We used to have conversations, make plans, and even say I love you. Today we text. It is the only perfect way to show you care.
scoring compiles all text-based communication services and awards +1 point for every text sent or received.
Written Skills
Emailing — best paired with morning coffee.
scoring +1 point for every email sent or received from connected email accounts.
Glance-ability: the modern perfect human does not have time to read.
The immediacy of today’s graphical aesthetic is the only way to communicate efficiently with the perfect human.
Track Perfection Progress
The application makes it easy to track the user's own progress towards perfection over time.
Compare Perfect Human Scores
Users can easily compare their perfection to that of an aggregated average or to the one specific user.
The Anatomy of Perfection
Pie charts offer users an immediate access to which areas of their digital lives are more or less perfect.